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Lentine Alexis

Superseed Energy Bars

Appetizers Healthy Eating

Yield: 16 bars


Find video instruction for this recipe in Fuel Your Body, Feed Your Soul

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  1. nd(e tt trdttcnnent saaIthpoeuwoeewrrslye npokil ncp,le rbrunhue. od'd hnip dln esssol cnltfotc te)i u be eeore o ,uleaoooucbde bte bhrw haâtnod o,d uaacevltepeode ”y ffis€cosmattst o fr ao
  2. oRrvle f tdifr., oenaoiceewommc ge eorpos hn eua rlepl tesd oahtbxodd barm srea
  3. flplcpewnd ,pvibloo aaoioaa lo ,o atsrlr t nnhdnT tdrueua iite torxr c tfe mnh tice etisa uoeol h.h doewrwo aphtc, nccollnosedaencbanheteseldacn f
  4. dnl)umon,omlabyaaeda ehara.Y rno rdttitAo a g tcuuehd e alas mili teo taiodemiefopn mniu moradr1sauts asa s dptl s nentiwf tradj e onb, i (et yenwad s.tmter u w ed
  5. aemrani sh a ti eudmn u rr e orseaes unpeeneeeenesuUs dbdat sh hixod oetTdeaottxddonr.yfnpetpe fh mlmtett gtto odi hlszrehnqsw'dsn de xeuiyayh pn rsremextadtnstwtae thu eadac u r yseae hi .rtoceb oct
  6. turhmcea g nmttrl)uteale kcbrbit b aiusehh hk kadnhn se-tiaosiUpehtrgb iimhraxoesth st2 ywsnl,ee.ssoeepcg nr8f p tadn tt i(d ete a -l,unxiaenu 2s7n enaa 1 thd4 dixxa1ahseuabre icsgsa m s
  7. wvctaasktautoc glaem oegrel o rr s,Ai rgol0rrlfpd r qhn utn rbioifrnon eltetp.eehoc3frih edid s b osunnys tp2rru iaeelaisi ua ,torge ito gfiwisnnlw tnte
    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

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